Suddenly. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. Suddenly. Characters: Nico Robin Tsunade (Naruto) Diana (Wonder Woman) Artoria Pendragon | Lancer Glynda Goodwitch Emma Frost Scáthach | Lancer Medea | Caster Shihouin Yoruichi Raven (Teen Titans) Death of the Endless Ranni the Witch (Elden Ring) Crossbreed Priscilla Melina (Elden Ring) Additional Tags: Waifu Catalogue Harems The woman said nothing, just laying a delicate hand on his chest. The only other light was the small remnants of my fire. 3k Views 1153 Favorites 70 Chapters 2 Chapters/Week 520 Readers 4. Google it if you like, but I explained the basic premise in the chapter. That is all I will say, on to Rapturous Rhapsody. It's Waifu Catalogue with a twist. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. She was incredibly easy to read when she was not inhabiting a doll. My Stories 1 Rapturous Rhapsody reviews Would you take the deal? Live your wildest fantasies at the cost of orchestrating the most significant prison break ever conceived? And a hint of admiration. The small pile of bark was illuminated by a golden glow in shape similar to the humanity sprites of the last series. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. Keep all the bodies as intact as possible in the pouches Medea provided. . Clutched in its claws was a great jewel. I will also try and be judicious with their use. Sex. Favorite Joined Jun 13, 2022, id: 15462703 Author has written 1 story for DC Superheroes, and Worm. Her face flushed a deep azure, and her lower hands were shyly twiddling their fingers. Also, I will be changing the fandom this fic is housed in regularly, cycling between those that are most important to the current chapter. While the Demi-god has perished, I haven't heard about the dragon doing the same. Suddenly. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. Its wings were unfurled, and it roared in triumphant ecstasy. For a new day that can offer more Do we really know the world we're fighting for? ** "Welcome to Thymescria," Hippolyta greeted us in a flowing toga as Wonder Woman led us down from the League plane. Characters: Nico Robin Tsunade (Naruto) Diana (Wonder Woman) Artoria Pendragon | Lancer Glynda Goodwitch Emma Frost Scáthach | Lancer Medea | Caster Shihouin Yoruichi Raven (Teen Titans) Death of the Endless Ranni the Witch (Elden Ring) Crossbreed Priscilla Melina (Elden Ring) Additional Tags: Waifu Catalogue Harems Several Dragons still inhabit the Lands Between. Wish-fulfilment. that I shall never see. That night's lovemaking was quiet, slow, and intimate. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. . The dragon girl winced as a crystal weapon struck her side but managed to swing her scythe through the construct. I felt an angel near today, though one I could not see Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. Fighting each other is not. Suddenly. Or his sister, Lansseax, who took on human form during the time of the Dragon Cult. * Glynda watched Pricila weave around her foes. Rapturous Rhapsody - Chapter 1 - ReadingDangerously - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] Entire Work Next Chapter → Chapter Index Share Download Rating: Mature Archive Warning : Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F F/M Multi Fandoms: Dark Souls (Video Games) Bloodborne (Video Game) Elden Ring (Video Game) Marvel (Comics) DCU (Comics) Rapturous Rhapsody 55. No need to waste the materials. Suddenly. Characters: Nico Robin Tsunade (Naruto) Diana (Wonder Woman) Artoria Pendragon | Lancer Glynda Goodwitch Emma Frost Scáthach | Lancer Medea | Caster Shihouin Yoruichi Raven (Teen Titans) Death of the Endless Ranni the Witch (Elden Ring) Crossbreed Priscilla Melina (Elden Ring) Additional Tags: Waifu Catalogue Harems It depicted a tremendous white dragon suspended in space, floating through magic. Wish-fulfilment. Sex. If you want to fight, do it later. It was a unanimous decision of the Family to not tell her how cute she was. "My Lord?" She asked again, looking in surprise at my action. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. " Medea stopped disassembling the massive Hydra to watch the start of the race. Long ago, Godwyn the Golden defeated the ancient dragon Fortissax and befriended his fallen foe. Though his foes were mindless undead, which went a long way to making the image in front of her more palatable, Diana had noticed the way the journey was wearing on Mikael. Suddenly. Her unique ability, Lifehunt, instantly drained all magic, Aura, and Haki from it, and the humanoid figure fell to pieces on the ground. 4 (49 ratings) Read Add to Library Synopsis Would you take the deal? Live your wildest fantasies at the cost of orchestrating the most significant prison break ever conceived? Rapturous Rhapsody - Chapter 26 - ReadingDangerously - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] Archive of Our Own Entire Work ← Previous Chapter Next Chapter → Chapter Index Share Download Rating: Mature Archive Warning : Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F F/M Multi Fandoms: Dark Souls (Video Games) Bloodborne (Video Game) Rapturous Rhapsody - Chapter 24 - ReadingDangerously - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] Entire Work ← Previous Chapter Next Chapter → Chapter Index Share Download Rating: Mature Archive Warning : Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F F/M Multi Fandoms: Dark Souls (Video Games) Bloodborne (Video Game) Elden Ring (Video Game) Marvel (Comics) The drones were torn apart, shrapnel flying as dark blue darts blasted through their backs and chests. Suddenly. Suddenly. Welcome to Rapturous Rhapsody! R&R for short. "On the one hand, not undead anymore, so; Yay. Suddenly. For those unaware, Waifu Catalogue is more common on forums than FF or AO3. I felt an angel near today, though one I could not see Always asking why we're really here Losing all of our control to our fears Some of us are strong, some of us are weak, but still we seek. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. Two figures sat atop its back, between the two great wings and nested in an opening of spikes. Consider the irrational confidence one needs to muster to sing a Katy Perry song in public—the alchemic blend of ego death and alcohol that gets you in the spirit to gloriously bomb. I will also try and be judicious with their use. Shazam, Diana and Thor flew forward, intent on closing the distance. A story I am writing in my downtime as a way to unwind. He was limited to only one power at a time for the fight. Eidolon blasted an energy beam of his own, covering their approach. Anyone caught doing so loses. Pity at a man taken from his home and tossed into a cruel and dying world. Also, I will be changing the fandom this fic is housed in regularly, cycling between those that are most important to the current chapter. It should be obvious things are a bit different here. That is all I will say, on to Rapturous Rhapsody. The cave had been well ventilated enough to allow me to set up a cooking pit for my meal. Like a switch had been flipped, light returned to his eyes. A man who liked to sing and joke was forced to kill his way to freedom. "Thanks," Mikael said softly, placing his hand on hers and leaning in for a small, chaste kiss.